Sponsorship: Vendor hall with tables to showcase your product will be available during the morning lecture series and during the lunch hour. Other opportunities for sponsorship advertising during the event and in the brochure or website are also available. For specifics, please contact Teri Brown at lyonst@ucmail.uc.edu or Bret Betz at betzbt@ucmail.uc.edu.

Target audience:  Athletic Trainers, athletic training students, primary care sports medicine fellows, orthopedic sports medicine fellows, EMS fellows, physicians, paramedics, EMTs, nurses or advanced practice providers involved in sports medicine sideline coverage or EAP planning.

Partners:  University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, Greater Cincinnati Athletic Trainers Association, The Matthew Mangine Jr. Foundation 

Anticipated number of attendees:  160-180 (we will cap at 180 with the need to limit groups for simulation). We expect to have a high number of local and regional ATCs. 

Make sponsorship checks Payable to:

University of Cincinnati Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine

Memo: Sports Medicine Emergencies Conference

Can be mailed to:

Department of Orthopaedics Surgery

231 Albert Sabin Way

ML 0212 

Attn: Teri Brown

Cincinnati, OH 45267-0212